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    Business Relationships

    Written by Steve Lewis

    Relationships: Collins English Dictionary defines this as “The state of being connected or related. A dependence or alliance, an emotional connection between people”.

    In the 27 years, I have been working in and around the Propane Industry I have had the privilege of working with many exceptional leaders. Each one having its own philosophy on growing its businesses, gaining market share and providing the best products available at a reasonable price. One theme has resonated with these truly successful people and that is “BusinessThe customer's perception is your reality. Relationships” build successful businesses. Products don’t grow businesses. Intelligence and ingenuity don’t grow businesses. And moreover, people alone don’t grow businesses. In fact, everywhere we go we seem to hear about building relationships and how they affect our business. Trust, sincerity, knowledge, and understanding build better Business Relationships.

    Too often in business, we make the mistake of not listening, not allowing our customers to convey their needs. Or us not asking the right questions. Frustration can set in, un-resolve occurs and they tend to look elsewhere to fulfill their needs because they may perceive it as being ‘easier’. Let’s face it, most business leaders and business professionals have little time in their day to day worlds. Most are faced with multiple decisions each and every day and have no time to be procrastinating on one decision, one event. Trusting YOU is essential in maintaining that Business Relationship. YOU will understand their needs and make the right decisions for them.

    In reality, no one can copy your relationship with your customer. They can all have a competitive intelligence that is available, sell the same things you sell but no one can take the place of a built-upon relationship.There is only one boss.  The Customer. If the customers you come into contact with genuinely feel you are putting ‘their’ best interest at heart, no agenda, no ‘upsells’, loyalty will be built. Many won’t bother with giving second chances. They simply move on. In studies done in both metropolitan and rural areas, over 75% of business owners interviewed suggest they are willing to pay more for better service. Timeliness, reliability, honesty, and trust are the four main reasons cited for staying. This contradicts the very reasons we’ve heard for failing businesses. The question is what are you doing to build your relationships?

    I once heard a great message from an iconic comedian ‘Milton Burle’ that has stuck with me throughout my professional career. “If Opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door…”.

    I am fairly new to the world of Tarantin Industries. But in a short time, I have had the privilege of working here I have been part of a group of professionals who ‘talk the talk’. It’s so easy to give lip service and to speak of helping people. But it became evident quickly that the culture created from senior management on down ‘walks the walk’ and truly cares about helping people, building Business Relationships. ‘Winners’ don’t get to be ‘winners’ by going it alone. Tarantin Industries has enjoyed growth throughout the many years of doing business and much of this has come from creating these Relationships. And I’m convinced, our best is yet to come...


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